Speaking her mind with attitude and spunk

A southern gal chose to share a part of herself with you. Even though she tells it like it is, many blog posts are used for her to get in touch with her own innerself. She hopes during her journey that her posts will help others. Her views on politics are just that "her" views and she is open to read the comments and views of others regarding the topics discussed here as long as they are dignified and appropriate. Any comments deemed inappropriate will be immediately deleted.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Journal Writing Blog: All about journal and personal writing.

Journal Writing Blog: All about journal and personal writing.: "When I first set out to make my own journal I knew exactly what I had in mind. Making the journal to fit that picture proved more difficult than I expected, though. I love the versatility of a hard cover spiral-bound journal. "

I thought I'd write myself about keeping a Journal. I very much enjoy it. I view it as a window into my life that I can go back over the years and recapture. Funny how you see things differently years later. I've written something and read it again several years down the road and found that my opinion had changed drastically.

I find that writing in a journal is a cleansing experience and allows me the opportunity to express my inner emotions clearly. At times it represents to me a close friend that I can tell anything to, a place where I can talk about anything. I just find a comfy and quiet spot, a pen, paper or use my computer or type writer and then allow my emotions to just flow through my fingers. I have found my personal journal to be one of, if not, the most effective tool to assist me in coping with challenges in my life. I hope that this post will help to inspire you to begin journal writing if you have never done it and to assist those who do keep a journal in their writing adventure.

Why Should You Keep A Journal?

People who have never kept a journal may wonder why someone would keep one. Everyone who writes in a journal does so for their own unique reason(s).

Some keep a journal as a way to document their daily activities, some only keep a journal for special reasons such as medical related documentation. Some use it to record notes from school or a class they are taking, internet passwords, notes on how to do something or record what they learned on the computer, Links they want to visit again, ideas for creating a website, etc. Some write their favorite poems, quotes, stories and scripture in their journal.

For some it is a place to store their questions and thoughts about events and they only write in it on certain occasions or only part time while others will use it to document every thought and it will become like a best friend that they can go to and open their soul and share anything with. Many use it as a space where they can reflect on their life, who they are, events, experiences, hopes, doubts, fears, joys and anything in between.

When a person is contemplating the idea of beginning a journal they wonder what they should write in one. Some people use prompts to inspire their writing and for many this is how they begin writing in a journal. You can search through google for "journal prompts" and find many useful ideas. Some people prefer not to use any sort of template and to just write from their heart and let their thoughts flow rapidly out onto the pages in their journal. Whatever works for you is ok. There are no hard and fast rules about how to write in a journal and the format in which to do so. It is your special space to write in as you wish.

Writing in a journal can be very therapeutic. It can help you begin to put situations in your life into proper perspective. It can help you to sort out solutions for situations in your life. It can help you to maintain a record of events that you can go back to at some later date to review or for times when you need such information for some important purpose.

Some people never share their journal and make certain their family members know that their journals are not for their eyes. However, some people have even put their journals online for the world to read as their way of expressing themselves. Some have used their journals to write books and memoirs. Most people feel that their journal is their private place where they can go and cleanse their thoughts, ideas, goals, hopes, dreams, fears, joy and emotions without every having to worry about someone reading them and them being judged by what they wrote. What ever your reasons are for being interested in writing in a journal I'd like to encourage you to begin one.

How Do I Start A Journal?

So you have decided to begin a journal? Well at least by the fact that you are continuing to read this page you must at least be interested in starting one. I hope that what is shared below will assist you in getting started.

What to use for your journals

Some people find it easier to type their journal. You can use a word processor such as Microsoft Word and save the files by date and keep in a special folder. There are also a lot of computer programs available for journal writing. Many are shareware or perhaps cost under 50 dollars. Some people find it difficult to truly put their thoughts into their journal by typing and prefer to keep a handwritten version instead.

The most common way of writing in a journal is handwritten. What you use to write your journal in doesn't really matter. Some people use notebook paper and store their journal papers in notebook binders, while others may use spiral notebooks. There are also books available that are specifically created for journal writing. Some people like to purchase pretty decorative books for their journal writing. Those may make them feel that they are doing something special for themselves and often it will help to make their journal writing time a very special time in their day. Whatever you decide to use to write your journal is ok. All that is important is that it inspires you to write and is affordable so you won't be hindered in the future from writing. The main objective here is getting the most out of the experience of writing in a journal.

Inspiration for writing

Many people feel lost when they begin thinking about how they will write in their journal. If this is a problem for you, then perhaps you'll want to begin by using prompts or some sort of writing template. Most people find that if they need to use prompts or templates in the beginning that they soon form their own routine for writing.

Most find that they are able to write better if they choose a comfortable and quiet spot and try to make this a time of solitude. Perhaps have a nice cup of herbal tea and just use it as my relax time. Sit for a moment and reflect on your day, your week and what has happened to you recently. Sometimes this will help you to get started. Sometimes just writing at random listing the days events, what is in the news, the weather for that day, what book you are reading, etc will get your thoughts flowing and before you know it you'll just writing up a storm.

Storing Your Journals

Storing your journals may be an option you'll wish to consider. Some people only keep their journals in written form while others keep electronic copies because they type them and then they store those by date on their computer or on discs. People who keep their journal in written form may prefer to throw them away or destroy them right after finishing one, however the majority do store their journals. Some store them only for a few years while some have boxes of journals that date back into their childhood. If you choose to archive your journals you can date each journal on the cover by putting the date of the first entry through the date of the last entry and store them by date. You can also date every entry when you begin writing for that day which will help you to go back and review what you've written in the past. Happy writing