Become and advocate
It is important to become educated on the facts about your cause/illness as well as to keep up to date on any advocacy alerts and news from federal facilities which support your cause. NIAMS (National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Disorders) would be an example if your cause was one of those sort of conditions. There are so many ways you can take action such as contacting your state representatives in Congress and the Senate and asking them to support legislature that will improve research funding and public awareness. You may also wish to become actively involved in the mission of an organization that works on behalf of those with the condition. They need volunteers but it is also important for everyone to speak out and let these organizations know what our needs are and what we expect from them.
One person can make a difference. All it takes is for that one person to step up, take position, speak out and never give up until their goal is met. That one person who may make a huge difference for the cause.....could be you.
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