Terror alerts
Before I make my comments regarding the topic I've chosen today I wanted to clarify a few things regarding my political affiliation. I am not either Democrat or Republican. I consider myself very independent. I side on issues with both parties. I evaluate a candidate on their merits, experience, qualifications and personality, among other qualities. I vote to elect a person not a party. I don't feel that I am biased toward either side of the political spectrum. I have read articles in recent times where the current administration in power in the United States is accused of dreaming up some of the evidence which lead us to war as well as some of the terror alerts. I never put a lot of stock in those accusations until recently when evidense has surfaced which proved some evidence presented to the American people as being false. Still, I didn't know where the blame for that truly belonged so I never pinned it if you will on the President. Here is why I'm now having some second thoughts. I am an absolute news junkie. The only television I really watch is cable and local news. Seldom do I watch regular television. There was a report one day last week which showed how the support for the war was falling and that there were a lot of disgruntled Americans. The next day the President comes out calling for support for the war in Iraq by explaining the "war on terror" which involved us being a target by terrorist, etc. Then the following day the Vice President made a similar call to the people. The next day the Secretary of State made a speech along the same lines. The following two days the news was full of polls, etc which showed that people didn't really take note of the three previous pushes for support and the polls showed an even steeper drop in support. The day after these polls were released it was announced that there was this person who was interviewed and gave precise details as to a terror plot for the New York City's subway, etc. Suddenly the poll numbers rose and people felt "Wow we are a target" Now we learn that the reports from this "person" that was interviewed were not credible. It just seems ironic to me. Now don't get me wrong I do feel that we are a target of terror and I most certainly feel that more is needed to protect us from future events such as 9-11-01. I just feel that perhaps there is some acts of taking advantage here. In other words I wonder if the situation isn't being used to bring fear to the American People in order to heighten support for the course of action this Administration has taken. Just a thought......
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