Speaking her mind with attitude and spunk

A southern gal chose to share a part of herself with you. Even though she tells it like it is, many blog posts are used for her to get in touch with her own innerself. She hopes during her journey that her posts will help others. Her views on politics are just that "her" views and she is open to read the comments and views of others regarding the topics discussed here as long as they are dignified and appropriate. Any comments deemed inappropriate will be immediately deleted.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

This is who I am!

We all go through trials in our life. Different people go through different sort of trials but they challenge us as a person all the same. A person may be going through financial difficulties, a divorce, legal problems, family fights, even life challenging illnesses. When we are faced with something of this type we often begin to allow that situation to define us as a person. It is at our lowest point when someone or something is standing outside of ourselves and telling us, we owe them, they want a divorce, you have a disease, etc, it is at that moment that we need to get very still and focus inside of ourselves and decide right then...No this is who I am! Define ourselves with a focus on the real person we are. Don't allow anyone or anything make you into something you aren't. When you are facing challenges, attacks from others, illnesses or any tough situation choose to look within yourself. You know who you are better than anyone else. You know how to get through whatever the challenge is. Just search your heart, your soul and reach out to others for support. True friends will be there because they love you just as you are.