Speaking her mind with attitude and spunk

A southern gal chose to share a part of herself with you. Even though she tells it like it is, many blog posts are used for her to get in touch with her own innerself. She hopes during her journey that her posts will help others. Her views on politics are just that "her" views and she is open to read the comments and views of others regarding the topics discussed here as long as they are dignified and appropriate. Any comments deemed inappropriate will be immediately deleted.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Day 2005

Christmas Day 2005 will be a very special day. It will be filled with quality time with my family and that makes it more special than anything ever could. Good company and good food. I must admit however that I will be so so so glad that it is over with. I am so tired and I'll need the next couple days just to recuperate.

Now I have to begin thinking forward into the new year. There are always challenges to face in each year of our life and sometimes those challenges are bigger hurdles to jump over than we ever thought we'd have to face. However when I reach a situation that seems impossible to get through I just think back over the years and think about other times that seemed so hard to get through but I did make it through those and I know I can make it through any that I come across in the future.

At the time when we are faced with a difficult situation it is hard for us to look down the road and have faith that we'll get through it. But, when we begin to look back over our life we realize that we've crossed difficult roads before and came through them. This way of redirecting my thoughts truly is helpful to me and assists me in not feeling so overwhelmed by current situations.