Speaking her mind with attitude and spunk

A southern gal chose to share a part of herself with you. Even though she tells it like it is, many blog posts are used for her to get in touch with her own innerself. She hopes during her journey that her posts will help others. Her views on politics are just that "her" views and she is open to read the comments and views of others regarding the topics discussed here as long as they are dignified and appropriate. Any comments deemed inappropriate will be immediately deleted.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

My New Years Resolution

My New Years Resolution. In the year 2006 I want to focus more on my health. I need to focus on my health from all angles. I need to lose some weight but I also need to pay attention to my body more and listen to what it is telling me. When it is screaming for rest I must stop pushing myself to keep going and listen to my body and rest.

Many of my bad days are my own fault simply because I don't listen to my body on the days prior. I push, push and push until finally my body says "I can't take no more" and forces me to bed or forces me to spend a day on the couch. I have to stop that and in the coming year that is going to be one of my main goals.

I also want to focus more on my health by trying to do exercises that I'm capable of doing. If I can just spend a few minutes a couple days of the week doing some sort of exercises than surely it is better than doing nothing at all.

I'm also going to focus more on eating healthier. I'm a junk food junkie by choice and that has to change. I love salads and seafood and those if made properly can be very healthy food choices. So I'm going to try and eat a more balanced and healthier diet.

I'm also never going to eat beef again. Well, you should never say never because we can change our mind in the future. But, as I feel right now I don't think I will ever eat beef again. The recent fear here in the U.S. over the Mad Cow Disease really isn't the cause for my change of mind about beef. I think the risk of a human contracting this disease is slim. My reason for the change of heart is due to my watching the film clips on the news which showed these animals with this disease as well as some of the conditions they are kept in. Something just clicked in me and I don't think I could ever eat beef again. I may get over this but as for right now beef is off my diet.

I rarely ate red meat anyway but occasional did get a craving for it and would eat it in spite of the trouble it caused to my tummy. Red meat cramps me terribly and I actually can't eat a large amount of chicken breast either. I am able to tolerate small amounts of chicken pretty well but I can't really tolerate red meat at all. So my new found revolt against eating beef is really good for me.