Speaking her mind with attitude and spunk

A southern gal chose to share a part of herself with you. Even though she tells it like it is, many blog posts are used for her to get in touch with her own innerself. She hopes during her journey that her posts will help others. Her views on politics are just that "her" views and she is open to read the comments and views of others regarding the topics discussed here as long as they are dignified and appropriate. Any comments deemed inappropriate will be immediately deleted.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

If you were a pencil, what would you write?

Considering how clumsy I am more than likely I'd roll off of a desk onto the floor and have someone step on me and break me in half, . All jokes aside, if I were a pencil I'd keep myself sharpened and write many new laws to support health care reform and to bring about regulations to limit the control HMO's and insurance companies have over the choices of our health care. Too often they determine the amount of care we need such as how long we stay in the hospital after a procedure, they determine often whether we get a particular drug or must take one that is cheaper. These sort of decisions should be left to the doctor we've chosen to be our partner in our health care. These sort of decisions should not be made by a pencil pusher in some insurance company. Yes the pencil pusher was a punt .

I firmly believe that a serious change to our health care system is urgently needed. I have read and heard a lot of political pundits debate the issues pertaining to the health care system that is now in place. Some are for change and some are not. In society I feel you would have to look high and low to find a person who has experienced chronic illness that wouldn't agree that a change is necessary. Those who depend on the health care system the most are the ones who know just how dire the situation truly is. We are going to have to bind together and descend on Washington and demand a change. Until we begin to stand up and put the pressure on the politicians nothing is going to change.