Speaking her mind with attitude and spunk

A southern gal chose to share a part of herself with you. Even though she tells it like it is, many blog posts are used for her to get in touch with her own innerself. She hopes during her journey that her posts will help others. Her views on politics are just that "her" views and she is open to read the comments and views of others regarding the topics discussed here as long as they are dignified and appropriate. Any comments deemed inappropriate will be immediately deleted.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The power of forgiving ourselves

There are times when faced with tough situations in life that I felt a sense of guilt as if somehow it was my fault. I reflected back on everything in my life that I had done wrong and immediately saw it as the reason for the adversity I was presently experiencing. In times such as this we tend to hold ourselves to harsher judgment then we do others. Suddenly those little things we did that seemed so small before are now these glooming bright blemishes on our lives and we see them as unforgivable and the possible cause for all that is wrong in our lives now. I suppose this is similar to the feelings of guilt that can be experienced by someone who has a family member pass away. All we can think of is 'What if I had done...?', 'If only I had been there...' or 'I wish I had told them....'

Some people linger at the stage of blaming themselves for a brief time and some much longer. There are no rules regarding how long it takes to cope with emotions as strong as these. However, I had to realize that I must face these feelings of guilt to put them to rest. I couldn’t ignore it hoping it would go away because then the emotions would have only eaten away at me. One of my favorite sayings is 'the only way to get past something is through it'. We must travel through it to get to the other side. We can't side-step it or jump over it.

I had to begin this road to forgiveness by taking a look at the situation at hand. I had to look at what the facts were concerning the tough situation I was in the middle of. Was it something I had control over? Did I do what I thought was right? I had to learn to not focus on the "what ifs" and "if onlys" because they didn’t exist for me since those are things you do not have control over and cannot change. I had to remind myself that forgiving is not something that I’ve never done before. Although forgiving myself was a whole new ballgame. I am spiritual minded so I began by asking for forgiveness from the Great Creator, for the past deeds I was blaming myself for. I thought about the fact that I had forgiven my child of a mistake or for breaking something? I remembered the gentleness I felt toward my child or perhaps a parent or sibling over mistakes they had made. I thought about the forgiveness I have held in your heart for those who had wronged me. It's funny that we can readily forgive those around us, yet we can not seem to find compassion in our hearts for ourselves.

I came to the realization that I must try feeling some compassion for myself. I had to accept that those who love me have such compassion for me and if I could find a way to feel that for myself then I was well on the road to dealing with this. I knew that realization would allow me to see clearly the situation at hand and to see the potential blessing that had been bestowed on me. That's right blessing. This kindness and generosity to me would be the groundbreaking event which would lead to moving forward and getting past this tough time in my life.

I was raised that forgiveness is something to be sought after. We must search ourselves in-depth for the goodness we hold in our hearts so we can see the whole purpose of our lives. We must know that even though we make mistakes, we have problems, or we get off base in our journey through life instead of punishing ourselves in our thoughts and actions we should accept that we all make mistakes. We have an obligation to honor that goodness inside of us and the good qualities we have and the heart of compassion we have been given.

I personally played the blame game for a time and that kept me from forgiveness initially. I questioned my creator, the adversity and the situation I was in, I began the "Why me" syndrome? However, the important question I finally asked myself was “Don't you think it is time you offer forgiveness to yourself.” Know this…, bad things happen in this sinful world and I could write a whole other story on the reasons they do but I'll save that for another day. What I grasped from all I experienced is this, that pain and suffering that we all bear can be turned around to do many good things. People who have met great challenges have done tremendous things and used it to bring blessings upon their own lives and the lives of others. Tough times can teach us so much about life.

We are often touched by the stories from people who show what seems as such courage and strength to overcome adversity. We must learn to look past the bad part of our situation and see the good that can come from it. Perhaps there is a hidden purpose for our life. Whatever life brings our way we should look for direction as to where this situation should lead us.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Karl Rove: Innocent or just getting off easy?

Do you think that Patrick Fitzgerald couldn't come up with enough findings of criminal conduct to indict Karl Rove or do you feel he had the evidence but it wasn't enough to win a conviction considering who he'd have to battle with? I think that there had to be significant evidence or the investigation of Karl Rove wouldn't have went on for this length of time. Some may try to say that this is because Fitzgerald refused to admit that he had no case. I personally believe that the special prosecutor showed restraint by taking the time to investigate as long as he did without bringing forth indictments. Lets be clear here, just with what we now know from Libby and Novak show that Rove was involved. Sure he did it so that he could claim he wasn't directly involved but if anyone believes that then... well... lets just say... remember who was behind the Bush mobile taking us to war. Did you believe them then? Do you believe them now? Did you learn your lesson? Today's outcome does nothing to prove the innocence of Karl Rove, only proves that justice doesn't always get its chance.

Spector gets a conscience

Wow, Arlen Spector must have had an epiphany or something. Either that or he grew some hair on that chest and decided to get the corncob out of his rear and do what is right. I remember back in the day when he was about as conservative minded as they came. Remember Anita hill? But I think after reading the article below you'll agree that he may be coming around to being a decent person. I am also glad to see him not falling for Cheney's continued stall tactics.

" Washington CNN — The Republican chairman of a Senate committee said Sunday he is prepared to call telephone company officials to testify about a domestic wiretapping program if he doesn’t get cooperation in talks with the Bush administration.

“If we don’t get some results, I’m prepared to go back to demand hearings and issue subpoenas if necessary,” Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter told CNN’s “Late Edition.”After a public spat last week with Vice President Dick Cheney over congressional oversight of eavesdropping and other issues, Specter said Sunday that a telephone call and letter from Cheney Thursday marked a “step forward.”

Specter, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, on Wednesday sent a stinging letter to Cheney threatening a “constitutional confrontation” and calling for increased cooperation from the administration on the National Security Agency’s no-warrant eavesdropping program.
Cheney responded in a letter Thursday saying the NSA doesn’t need congressional approval to run the program.

Cheney wrote that the administration is willing to work with Congress “in good faith” to reassure lawmakers concerned about the program. But he added, “there is no need for any legislation” authorizing the NSA to monitor calls between people in the United States and terrorism suspects overseas without a court order..."

Monday, June 12, 2006

When will it be over?

Many Americans feel today that it was a mistake to enter Iraq and bring our men and women to war. Many Americans also feel that we were misled by the Bush Administration on the terms given to us as reason for the war. These questions in no way mean that the majority of Americans do not support the troops that are over there. We most certainly do support all the men and women who are placing their lives on the line in Iraq. Our main reason for the questions is because we care for the troops well being and safety and want them to come home as soon as possible. It is our support for these troops that became the driving force behind our questions and concerns over this war. Now that we are over there and in the midst of what daily on television seems as chaos what do we do? Many Americans feel that since we are there we have made the mess so we must clean it up and finish the job. My question now is.... When will the job be finished? What will it take to be able to declare completion? How long will we feel the need for our American men and women to be in harms way? When will enough be enough? Well one thing I am fairly certain of is that the answers to these questions will greatly depend on whether a republican or a democrat is in office next presidential term.

Suicides prompt new calls to shut Guantanamo - Yahoo! News

Suicides prompt new calls to shut Guantanamo - Yahoo! News: "By Jane Sutton
Sun Jun 11, 4:06 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The suicides of three Arab detainees at Guantanamo ignited new calls on Sunday for the United States to shut down the prison camp but a U.S. diplomat called their hangings a 'good PR move' to gain attention. "

Two Saudis and a Yemeni hanged themselves with clothes and bedsheets in maximum security cells on Saturday -- the first prisoners to die at Guantanamo since the United States began sending suspected al Qaeda and Taliban captives there in 2002.

Prisoner advocates blamed the Bush administration for the deaths and said the men were held under conditions that "for all intents and purposes had already taken their lives." Several countries urged Washington to shut the camp down.

"Their blood is on the hands of the Bush regime and their deaths will fuel the anger of the global Muslim community," said, a Web site that draws attention to the cases of detained Muslims....

Read more: Suicides prompt new calls to shut Guantanamo - Yahoo! News

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Hmmmmmmm you just gotta wonder!

Over the years since the "war on terrorism" began everytime support for the administration dwindles there seems to be an amazing feat accomplished or dire situations occur that threatens national or homeland security. They come in almost precisely the right political moment. Although the last few haven't helped the administration as much as I believe they'd hoped. When the support dwindled for the situation in Afghanistan we saw the push to go into Iraq, now that the support has dwindled for the war in Iraq we hear the war drums beating against Iran. When are the American people going to wake up and realize that the only thing this administration knows is to take our men and women to war. They know nothing about running this country or if they do know how to do it they certainly aren't using their knowledge to help the average Americans. Enough is enough.

Friday, June 09, 2006

American Idol: disappointed

I didn't get to keep up the blog on American Idol here due to my being absent for an extended amount of time. I was very shocked and disappointed when Chris was voted off and then I felt the final two should have been Katherine and Elliot, well that is if it was based on talent. Don't get me wrong Taylor seems like a great person and he can sing but there is no way he has better vocals than Katherine or even Elliot for that matter. This is a singing contest people not a personality contest. Oh well it doesn't matter because most of the top 12 will get offers anyway.

I have returned...Prepare yourselves LOL

Hello everyone and I'm so sorry I've not been posting on my blog. I had a lot going on and there just wasn't enough time in the day to sit and write. I have missed it so much though. Writing is very therapeutic for me and it has made a difference in my life. I'm happy to say I am now back and plan on staying up on posting here even if it is just a short note. I hope this note finds you all well and enjoying warmer weather.