Speaking her mind with attitude and spunk

A southern gal chose to share a part of herself with you. Even though she tells it like it is, many blog posts are used for her to get in touch with her own innerself. She hopes during her journey that her posts will help others. Her views on politics are just that "her" views and she is open to read the comments and views of others regarding the topics discussed here as long as they are dignified and appropriate. Any comments deemed inappropriate will be immediately deleted.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

What do you think about people who are inconsiderate of others?

This seems to be a real problem in the area where I live. Perhaps it has gotten worse everywhere but when we travel and return here I see a noticeable difference. This is a very fast paced area so perhaps everyone is just too busy with their own lives to take a moment to be considerate of others. Sort of like, they'd have to slow down so they just keep moving without giving thought to common courtesy and the consideration for those around them.

I have met in my lifetime some people that are very inconsiderate of others. They will beat down others who ask for a helping hand but yet, when the table is turned and they need the help they don't hesitate to put their hand out. The shoe is viewed differently when it is on your foot. I've witnessed people tear someone down for sharing something or doing something and then they themselves will turn around and do the same thing.

I try to think of life in the terms of "What if I needed help". We have to quit judging people so harshly. I know that there are circumstances to the contrary but we better wake up to the human spirit and nourish it, not only in ourselves but in others as well. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Yes I have got burned several times due to this attitude but I've also got to experience some real blessings in life.

So I believe that we should be ever considerate to the needs of other people but we also should respect common human decency and be courteous. If we develop some principles for our actions and we stand firm on them and use those when coming in contact with other people I believe we'll form a very compassionate personality. We should never hesitate to help others and be compassionate because you never know when you may be the one in need.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Senate, minimum wage, parenting, etc

I do not fall into the category where I make minimum wage but I overheard on the news that the senate rejected a bill which would have raised the minimum wage from the present $5.15 an hour to $6.25. For the past eight years the senate has failed to approve raising the minimum wage to help minimize the near-poverty that people in this income bracket must sustain. Only one other time in history has there been this much time go by without raising the minimum wage. The true sadness to this is that during the same amount of time the Senate has given themselves seven (yep seven) pay increases which raised their income by $28.000. With inflation alone over these eight years it would stand to reason that a person couldn't raise a family on this wage. This is why most people resort to working two or more jobs. In my opinion this takes parents from their children and leaving them in the care of others to raise. So when we have government officials complaining about how children are guided by their parents perhaps they should stand up and take some of the responsibility themselves. Just who is it taking the parents from their children?

MY First Born

When I found out I was pregnant the first time I was so young that honestly it seemed like a cool thing. Something that meant I was finally grown up. The only problem was that I was far from grown up and even father from acting grown up. In the first few months of my pregnancy I was very sick. I have morning, noon and night sickness. As the months passed it eased up a bit but I still had days where I was sick right up to when I gave birth. I think there was a part of me that enjoyed planning the childhood of someone else. I was in such awe that this little innocent life was going to be in my hands, my responsibility. Most of all I absolutely bathed myself in joy when I thought about the love I was going to feel for this child, the love I already felt for it as it grew inside of me. There was also great satisfaction in my belief that this child would love me.

As my pregnancy progressed I didn't really think much about the birth. I knew realistically that it would hurt but I just didn't think about that much. I was enjoying feeling the life grow inside of me and was having a blast preparing his space in our home and in our life. My husband and I, a newly married couple with only a few months of marriage before I got pregnant left us inexperienced but I'm proud to say that my husband took his responsibilities serious and began to build our life with the future in mind.

The day that I went into labor I woke up that morning with a back ache. I was due and my husband had to go to work so he took me to the home of a family member. I spent the day there and the back ache continued and around 4 PM I began having what we concluded were contractions. They were spaced apart fairly far so we weren't overly concerned. My husband came to pick me up. We believed that I was going to go to the hospital that night and we had no groceries so we go to the store. While there the contractions got much harder and much closer.

We stopped by the homes of two family members on our way to tell them that we were going to go home to take the groceries and then go to the hospital. We didn't have a phone so we told them to meet us out the hospital at a certain time. Well we get to our place and begin to put the groceries up when my pains just suddenly stop. We then think it was false labor. We finish putting the groceries up and then wait another thirty minutes or so before we decide that we are sure that it is over and I'm not in real labor. My husband is getting ready to go tell them we aren't going to go to the hospital. All of a sudden I have a contraction that nearly took me to the floor. So off we go to the hospital as we had originally planned.

I get there and I'm four centimeters dilated. They had me walk the hall for about an hour. They decided at 10 PM to keep me and told us that I was going to have a baby that night. I was suddenly scared out of my wit. I was scared of the pain but more than that I was scared of being a mother. I wondered if I'd be a good mother, did I know how to be a good mother. All I knew was that I loved this baby and wanted to be the best mother I could be. Back in those days others were not allowed into labor and delivery so I was in the room all by myself......all by myself with my thoughts running rampant in my head.

The contractions remained steady and I slowly began to dilate. Then it seemed as if I got to 7 centimeters and couldn't get any further. By 6am the doctors began to get concerned and came to speak with me. I was exhausted and so weak. They feared I was too small to give birth or that I didn't have the capacity to dilate to ten centimeters. They took me to x-ray and confirmed that there was no way that I was going to be able to give birth to this baby naturally. I had dilated all that my body would do and it wasn't enough to give birth. So they prepped me for a C-section and took me to the operating room.

I was scared for my baby more than anything. When they took me from the labor and delivery area to the operating room they allowed my husband to speak to me for a moment. At 9:45am my first child was born and weighed in at 7 pounds 13 ounces being 21 inches long. He was healthy as could be. I was so so happy. He was so beautiful. The first time I held him and I looked into his eyes I was mesmerized by the love I felt for this little human being. I was so proud of him and for everything he would become....this still holds true today some 27 years later. He is a wonderful father of his own daughter now and I couldn't be prouder.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

What am I most thankful for?

When we suffer through a difficult time we often find it hard to stay focused on those things we are and should be most thankful for. This isn't because we have a negative way of looking at life but instead is because our daily activities are forever faced with the challenges of what is going on in our life. This can change our perception on life in general and on those things around us which are true blessings.

It takes a conscious effort to look at those things around us which are wonderful and to perceive our life as a blessing. It also takes a conscious effort on our part to view deep within ourselves to locate the true meaning of life to us and to come to terms with those blessings which have been bestowed upon us. This ability to see deep within ourselves doesn't come natural to everyone and can be more or less difficult depending on the individual. However, each of us can learn this ability and find in our hearts the will to love life and be thankful for each new day.

How? You ask. Well of course this also is dependent on the person and their dedication to locating the blessings. Sometimes a person may be going through the stages of grief associated with a difficult period in their life and adapting to the new course their life has taken. Those people may not be at a point in their life where they are ready to dig deep within and locate the positive aspects of their life. This is ok and they should give themselves time to work through whatever issues that are important to them right now. They will reach this point eventually.

For those who are ready to delve into their inner thoughts and learn their true blessings then it can be somewhat easier to accomplish. Each persons view of a blessing can be very different. The ole saying "one man's trash is another man's treasure" in some ways applies here. One person may view a situation as a terrible event in their life while another person may be able to see through the terrible part and see a true blessing that they obtained as a result". So each of us have to look at our own situation and try to make a conscious effort to look deep for what we've learned from it and how our life has been changed for the better as a result.

This is not to say that we should put blinders on to all the bad parts that our situation has given to our lives. Those are painful experiences and very real and we cannot simply ignore those. But it is a good idea to take a moment as often as possible and just dwell on good things and the wonderful moments of our life. This will give us the strength to face our day to day life. This will give us the will to move on and the courage to love life to spite having an illness.

At this point we will begin to see many things to be thankful for and push those things we are less thankful for toward the back of our minds. Looking forward, holding dear to our hearts those things in our life that we are most thankful for will bring us many blessings to enjoy as our life continues down the path it is meant to travel. So this year on Thanksgiving day I will focus deep on those things in my life that are wonderful and have such warm and deep meaning. They may not mean the same to someone else so rather than share my own personal things I'm most thankful for I'd like to encourage each of you to find a quiet location and spend a few moments in solitude thought and reflect on the things that mean happiness to you in your life and the things you feel you've learned along the way that has made you a better person. I hope that by doing this you will learn that you are a precious gift given to all who know and associate with you and others are very thankful for having known you.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

We are still needed

On days when life gets me down it seems as if I sit gaining up the strength to be happy that I am alive. To feel blessed that I have a special someone, my children and family who love me and who need me in their lives. It is nice to feel needed. As we get older and our children go on with their own lives we sometimes lose that needed feeling. It isn't a selfishness coming out of us, it is just that human need that we all have to be wanted and loved.

I have had moments in my life where I've thought that everyone would be better off without me. From the vantage point that I'm looking during those moments it seems so clear to me that they would be happier if they didn't have me keeping their life at bay. Maybe in some ways these are the moments that I'm feeling sorry for myself, I'm not sure but they are felt deep in my heart and I am convinced at that very moment.

Then my special man will call me just to talk, to tell me what is going on during his day. Perhaps one of my children will come in the door and just begin chatting away about something in their life. They felt comfortable in coming to me and just sharing. Perhaps my just being here for those moments means that I'm needed and wanted.

My special man will be warm toward me and make me feel as though my company is all he needs for him to feel at peace, for him to feel loved and needed. By this, does that mean that I'm needed simply to be there to fill this space in his life? Am I needed, simply because I am a part of his life? Would my absence leave a hole in his life that nothing could fill?

Then my grandchildren, those precious eyes will look up at me with such joy, such innocence and they act as if I am one of the most special people in their life. There is a need in all of us to know our ancestors and perhaps my grandchildren need me in their life simply so I can tell them the stories of old, the ones that were told to me as a child, the ones of our family history. Perhaps they need me in their life simply because I can provide a special love that only a grandmother can give to a child.

When I look at the simple facts of life, suddenly I feel needed just for those times. Then focusing more on the deeper side I can see that situations I've been forced to endure has taught me so much about the real values of life, those that matter most. Perhaps my presence in the life of my family helps to bring to their hearts those same realizations. Maybe I'm needed by them more than I realize. I sure know that I need them and wouldn't truly want to miss a minute of the life I have with them. So why would I think they'd feel any differently?

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Follow Your Destiny

There comes a time in your life when you realize that if you stand still, you will remain at this point forever. You realize that if you fall down and stay down, life will pass you by. Life's circumstances are not always what you might like. The pattern of life does not necessarily go as you plan or want.

Beyond any understanding, you may at times be led in different directions than you ever imagined, dreamed or desired. Yet if you had never put any effort into choosing a path or trying to carry out your dream, then perhaps you would have no direction at all.

Rather than wondering about or questioning the direction your life has taken, accept the fact that there is a path before you now. Shake off the "what if's", and rid yourself of confusion. Whatever is - is what's important. Your past is a brief reflection. Your future is yet to be realized. Today is here for you.

Walk your path one step at a time - with courage, faith, and determination. Keep your head up and cast your dreams to the stars. Soon your steps will become firm and your footing will be solid again. A path that you never imagined will become the most comfortable direction you could have ever hoped to follow.

Keep your belief in yourself and walk into your new journey. You will find it magnificent, spectacular, and beyond your wildest dreams. Take Destiny's hand and let it guide you. You will never be sorry.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

This is who I am!

We all go through trials in our life. Different people go through different sort of trials but they challenge us as a person all the same. A person may be going through financial difficulties, a divorce, legal problems, family fights, even life challenging illnesses. When we are faced with something of this type we often begin to allow that situation to define us as a person. It is at our lowest point when someone or something is standing outside of ourselves and telling us, we owe them, they want a divorce, you have a disease, etc, it is at that moment that we need to get very still and focus inside of ourselves and decide right then...No this is who I am! Define ourselves with a focus on the real person we are. Don't allow anyone or anything make you into something you aren't. When you are facing challenges, attacks from others, illnesses or any tough situation choose to look within yourself. You know who you are better than anyone else. You know how to get through whatever the challenge is. Just search your heart, your soul and reach out to others for support. True friends will be there because they love you just as you are.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Beauty Remains

I've been thinking a lot recently about the word "beauty". I am feeling rather terrible right now with a cold and just not feeling well enough to fix myself up like I normally do each day. This doesn't lend much in the way of a positive view of how I look considering I realized not long ago that I'm getting pretty old LOL. There are times that it would be very easy for me to feel just downright ugly. I'm sure everyone has moments like that. I know that like anyone I can fix myself up and still be attractive but I'm a far cry from the way I want to look. How do I keep this from getting me down?

Well, I looked outside and saw the trees with their leaves going through so many changes. They were once a rich green, filled with vitality and then they began their downward spiral of color changes which eventually leads them to become a brown clump of material that will break apart if touched. However, through all the stages that a tree goes through it remains beautiful.

When the trees are filled with the leaves of green, their sway on a blustery day brings a breeze to cool us and we are in awe of the massive structure and the covering that hides its rugged trunk. It is so calming to view mountains which are covered with vivid green trees.

Once the color changes begin to show we find ourselves staring to capture the magnificent view of the scent before us. So many colors can be found among a group of trees. These color changes form a site people drive miles to see.

As the leaves turn browner and the stems let go of the branches we see them drop to the ground but what is left behind is still beautiful. A bare branch among trees that are so massive and so spectacular. The twists and turns of the branches form character. During this part of the season we see the tree in all its glory, uncovered and proudly standing.... As it stands it is awaiting the moisture of the morning dew to sip into its bark. Then winter comes and the snow begins to fall and along the branches we'll see the snow glisten adding even more beauty to the trees.

Then spring arrives and little buds of life begins to grow on the branches once again reminding us of rebirth and how stages of our life may connect and bring us full circle. The tree goes through many changes it its life and that makes me realize that all things must pass but that doesn't change the fact that in all things there remains beauty. You just have to choose to see it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

How Does Your Spirit Grow?

The nursery rhyme goes "how does your garden grow" Some people have a "green thumb" a natural ability to grow beautiful plants with such ease. Other people can't get anything to grow and resort to decorating with artificial plants to avoid killing anymore of their investments.

This thought can also be applied to some degree when you pose the question "how does your spirit grow." There are people who easily recognize what is needed to grow their spirit so that it becomes a productive and useful part of their soul. The first step in growing your spirit is acknowledging it and learning to respect it. Then the person must nurture it, and watch it grow and rely on it to get through what ever life throws at them. Through such reliance they better cope emotionally with daily struggles and any serious or tragic events in their life. They may for a short term lose this vision but they are easily able to get back on course.

Then there are people who become accustomed to ignoring their spirit for a variety of reasons and thrust themselves into the darkness of a life with no direction. Some of these people have been hit so hard by the realities of their life that they've lost their vision into their spirit. It can be a real struggle for some to regain their vision and get their life back on a positive path. Sadly some of these people due to their inability to acknowledge their spirit never are able to really know their inner self, their inner strengths and what they can do and deal with if they only look within their soul and feed their inner spirit. They then often resort to using artificial emotions to cope with their life, their struggles and adversities. They form these emotions as a coping mechanism because they are out of touch with their spirit which in turn puts them out of touch with their true emotions.

When we reference the term "spirit" different perceptions come to mind. Some of a religious nature but for the sake of this writing I'm speaking about the spirit we all have inside us. This spirit is what ushers us through the years on earth that we call Life. To only name a few… a person can have a mild and meek spirit, an adventuress, risk taking spirit, a courageous 'go gettin' spirit, a fighting spirit and once and a while you'll come across someone that has a spirit that will change the world or at least the world of those around them.

Does a person's spirit come naturally? Sometimes this is true, but there are also people whose spirit is shaped in large part by experiences they are forced by life to endure. How they react to situations in their life can and will shape them into the person they become. I've known people who were meek and mild mannered but once their life hit a hurdle or a bump in the road they became bitter and abandoned their spirit and looked only at the pain. I've known people who were angry and hateful but when faced with adversity their spirit softened and the person became nurturing, compassionate and a caring individual. In both of these cases they were sadly hit by unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances but one example looked at the pain while the other looked into their spirit and saw the true meaning of life.

So how do we grow our spirit? By looking at the wonders of our life and of the world we are so fortunate to be in. Looking at the good more than the bad, addressing the happy more than the sad. Realizing the blessings that life has given us and when all is said and done we see that there is more to this life on earth. Once we realize this then the spirit inside of us takes over and will comfort us, inspire us and most of all give us the strength and wisdom to face whatever life presents us.

Coping With Anger

We all experience anger at times and often it is when we are facing adversity that our anger rears its ugly head the most.

Why do I feel so angry?

First of all allow yourself the right to feel as you do. Trying to force yourself to feel differently or punishing yourself psychologically for feeling as you do is not going to benefit you and probably frustrate you further. Society trains us to avoid angry feelings and thus when we become angry we often try to suppress that emotion or we make ourselves feel that we are wrong to feel that way. The act of denying anger when we feel angry can lead to depression. We deny how we feel, paste on a smile and pretend everything is ok when it truly isn't. The truth is that we've only displaced the emotion. Anger is like boiling water in a tea kettle building up steam. If the valve is not open it will blow the lid eventually.

We've all felt angry at times. Sometimes the anger falls more in the category of being annoyed but then again every human being has at some time or another experienced the full rage of anger. Anger is a natural emotion that if you feel it, you can try to control it, learn to tame it, and redirect it but you may still get angry when you are faced with a difficult task. You must first find out what it is you are angry at. Write it down. Just let go and write a long list of what it is that you are angry at or about. Anger is a part of any grievingprocess and we do grieve at times of adversity such as when a disease takes the life we planned on living away from us or we lose someone special in our life, among other things. So the thing to do is not to try and ignore or rid ourselves of ever getting angry but to find ways to redirect it, put it to good use, etc.

I've had many emotions over the years that have shocked me. The most shocking one was how angry I was when I lost a special person in my life and how quickly that anger turned into deep, deep depression. Actually I didn't even realize the change from one emotion to the other because it happened so quickly. That leaves me to think that there is a fine line between anger and depression.

When I was angry I wanted to pretend that the thing I was angry at didn't exist and go on as if nothing had changed in my life. This didn't work long for me because soon I was forced to face reality. When that time came where I had no choice but to realize that I had to face my new life, this unwavering, relentless anger quickly engulfed me. It controlled every fiber of my being. It was so strong that the rest of my emotions seemed to pack up and say "see ya later". The anger chased happiness, joy, love and peace away.

I was angry at everything and on some days just about every body. The one thing that I felt I should have been the most angry at was gone from my life and I was trying to pretend the pain from that loss didn't exist. Because of this denial it didn't allow me to focus my anger where it belonged so I misplaced it onto other things and sadly, other people.

I've come to realize that this is just part of coping with loss of any kind. We go through a multitude of emotions before reaching a level where we can accept the changes it has brought to our life. Once we reach that level we then begin to redirect emotions such as anger to more positive uses. We don't ridicule ourselves for feeling that way we just use it for positive purposes or do something to alleviate the emotion.

A serious danger with anger is when we hold onto it. We get angry, vent it but we don't let go of it. We must find a way to express it appropriately and then to discard it so we can move on with our life in a positive manner. Some people use anger as if it is a security blanket because it will block out all other emotions. It numbs them against reality. They rely on the fuel from their anger to get them through life. The key is to face the anger, identify what it is we are angry about and then to address those issues and find a way to put the anger to rest.

Why do I get angry because others are so happy?

A person may be the type who enjoys seeing someone happy and would never begrudge someone of having a good, prosperous and healthy life. So when they begin to get angry at the fact that their friends, family members or just people they see out in the world are going on with their life, this confuses them. Seeing others our own age running with their children, functioning in the normal busy world, taking part in sports and other activities can remind us of the things we no longer feel worthy of taking part in. Some people may feel rejected when their friends begin going out with other friends who are more active then we are and this can make us have a lot of different emotions including anger. This reaction is not stemmed from some deep seated selfishness we didn't know existed. In actuality we aregrieving over what we've lost. The people living normally just remind us of how our life has changed and the anger we then feel is the way we've chosen emotionally to express that.

Am I a bad person because I'm so angry?

The simple answer is NO. Emotions you feel does not make you a bad person. Don't ever beat yourself up because of the feelings you are experiencing. You've been hit hard and it is understandable that you'd have a wide range of emotions, including anger. The key is to identify the anger and find ways to use it in a positive way or to alleviate the angry feelings.

How can I control my anger?

Some people have more angry tendencies than others but we all can learn ways to control it. One way to control it is to calm ourselves down. Calm down by perhaps trying to take a deep breath, go to a silent place and practice deep breathing. Sit and control your breathing to a specific rhythm and then imagine yourself in a calm place.

It is important to control anger because scientists have reported that when a person is feeling the emotion of anger their heart beats faster and they experience a rise in their blood pressure. In other words anger can affect your health.

Changing the way we think can help with controlling anger. Anger never fixes a problem and it can cause more complications because often we say things we shouldn't say or things we don't truly mean when we are angry.

How can I communicate with others when I'm so angry?

When we are angry we tend to curse or speak in tones that are very offensive and even hurtful to others. We also use stronger words in our vocabulary such as "Never" or "always" when describing our thoughts and others actions. Have you ever said something like "Never speak to me again" and didn't mean it? This is probably the out of control anger speaking. Speaking to others in this way will alienate them and the sad truth is that oftentimes these are people who care for us and would be willing to help us and be there for us.

When you are very angry it is a good idea to take a deep breath and not communicate with others until you are thinking clearly. We may believe that we are thinking logically but most of the time when we are at our most angry stage we are thinking irrational. This is when we must slow down our breathing and repeat in our minds thoughts that help us to calm down.

How can I redirect my anger?

I'd like to share my own experiences in this area. I know I seem like such a chipper gal to you all now but boy oh boy have I come a long way baby :-) I went through a period where anger was my middle name. I was angry at me, my mother, everyone and everything. It isn't anyone's fault, not even my own what had happened in my life.

First you must identify the anger. Once you identify what it is you are angry at then you can make positive changes or steps to a solution or at least to help ease the feelings. One way I use my anger is to fuel my determination to fight and have a happy life at all odds. One way to cope with tough emotions such as anger is to occupy yourself. For me I found hobbies that I could do, I got involved online and really poured my heart into it. I volunteered when I could at places that needed my help. I made friends and went to lunch with them. Did special things, however small they may be for my family and that made me feel useful. I write in my journal and express my emotions. I write poetry. Read a good book. Do crafts if I can and find others if I can't do the ones I used to now. You just have to look inside of yourself and let your creative juices flow and find what you can do and would want to do.

Trying to make yourself feel better and feel that you still have a purpose in life will make a world of difference in helping you deal with anger, sadness and the grieving process. Yes your life is not and may never be what it was before but you can still have a wonderful, happy, prosperous and meaningful life. I know this because I am living that wonderful new life. Do I still get angry at times, frustrated at times, fed up at times. Of course I do and I give myself permission to have those days because those days of trouble are a way for me to cleanse my emotions and vent how I feel so I can have more positive days just around the corner.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Terror alerts

Before I make my comments regarding the topic I've chosen today I wanted to clarify a few things regarding my political affiliation. I am not either Democrat or Republican. I consider myself very independent. I side on issues with both parties. I evaluate a candidate on their merits, experience, qualifications and personality, among other qualities. I vote to elect a person not a party. I don't feel that I am biased toward either side of the political spectrum. I have read articles in recent times where the current administration in power in the United States is accused of dreaming up some of the evidence which lead us to war as well as some of the terror alerts. I never put a lot of stock in those accusations until recently when evidense has surfaced which proved some evidence presented to the American people as being false. Still, I didn't know where the blame for that truly belonged so I never pinned it if you will on the President. Here is why I'm now having some second thoughts. I am an absolute news junkie. The only television I really watch is cable and local news. Seldom do I watch regular television. There was a report one day last week which showed how the support for the war was falling and that there were a lot of disgruntled Americans. The next day the President comes out calling for support for the war in Iraq by explaining the "war on terror" which involved us being a target by terrorist, etc. Then the following day the Vice President made a similar call to the people. The next day the Secretary of State made a speech along the same lines. The following two days the news was full of polls, etc which showed that people didn't really take note of the three previous pushes for support and the polls showed an even steeper drop in support. The day after these polls were released it was announced that there was this person who was interviewed and gave precise details as to a terror plot for the New York City's subway, etc. Suddenly the poll numbers rose and people felt "Wow we are a target" Now we learn that the reports from this "person" that was interviewed were not credible. It just seems ironic to me. Now don't get me wrong I do feel that we are a target of terror and I most certainly feel that more is needed to protect us from future events such as 9-11-01. I just feel that perhaps there is some acts of taking advantage here. In other words I wonder if the situation isn't being used to bring fear to the American People in order to heighten support for the course of action this Administration has taken. Just a thought......

Sunday, October 09, 2005

S'mores Cookie Mix Jar

Are you always looking for that special gift for someone in your life but can't figure out what to give them. How about a jar Filled with the ingredients to make tasty S'mores

Follow the directions below to create a yummy treat to give as a gift to that perfect someone in your life.

The directions are typed below but you will want to type the recipe so all you have to do is print it out and then cut out to paste onto a pretty holiday card that can be attached to the Jar.

S'mores Cookie Mix Recipe

1 pkg. of graham crackers (10 individual sheets)
1/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 1/2 cup small marshmallows
1 cup milk chocolate chips

Fill the Jar:

Who says you have to wait to go camping for Smores?! Layer the S’mores cookie mix in a large glass jar or 1 quarter canning jar in the order listed above (from top to bottom) or starting with graham crackers and ending with chocolate chips. Tap jar gently on counter to settle each layer or use a wooden tool before adding the next ingredient. Cover. Then provide a gift/recipe card and put the following baking directions on the front of the card. Put the recipe on the back of the card, use a small hole puncher to make a hole in the corner of the card, pull a ribbon or two through it and wrap around the jar.

You can decorate the lid with ribbons and material. Available at your local craft stores are cute little items to top off the lid to add a special look to your gift jar. There are all different types available.


Create a gift tag with the following baking instructions:

S’mores Cookie Mix Baking Directions

1 jar of S’mores cookie mix

½ cup melted butter or margarine

1 tsp. vanilla

1. Heat oven to 350°F. Place S’mores mix in a mixing bowl and pour melted butter and vanilla over mixture from jar. Mix until well blended.

2. Pour into a greased 9 inch square baking pain. Bake for 15 minutes. Makes 10 squares. Enjoy!

Become and advocate

I think most of us would agree that there is room for improvement in how our government view chronic conditions and serious illnesses as well as the dissemination of research funding. You may also feel that there could be improvements or changes in the nonprofit organizations and the support they offer. Perhaps you are more concerned with legislature regarding a specific illness. Whatever your concerns are, there is a need for people like you to take up that cause and make sure that your voices are heard.

It is important to become educated on the facts about your cause/illness as well as to keep up to date on any advocacy alerts and news from federal facilities which support your cause. NIAMS (National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Disorders) would be an example if your cause was one of those sort of conditions. There are so many ways you can take action such as contacting your state representatives in Congress and the Senate and asking them to support legislature that will improve research funding and public awareness. You may also wish to become actively involved in the mission of an organization that works on behalf of those with the condition. They need volunteers but it is also important for everyone to speak out and let these organizations know what our needs are and what we expect from them.

One person can make a difference. All it takes is for that one person to step up, take position, speak out and never give up until their goal is met. That one person who may make a huge difference for the cause.....could be you.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Chores and such. Oh how time changes!

I was always a morning person. I can remember getting up at 4 am and having my housework, laundry and other chores finished by 8 am before leaving for work. Now I'm lucky to walk to the bathroom when my feet first hit the floor. Old age? Perhaps, since I do have joint problems but I think it has more to do with becoming complacent with chores. What used to seem so important to get done now seems like something that will be there when I get around to it. Maybe I appreciate life more and don't wish to spend every free moment doing chores. My home is clean and very neat but I don't put off doing other things because I have housework to do, etc. The work will be there when I get to it LOL.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Shewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. That means I'm plain ole tuckered out. LOL. I traveled for a few days and had limited access to a computer, this is why there were no blog posts for a few days. Then I got this bright idea to repaint and decorate the guest bedroom and the hall bathroom. In a scan of three days I've painted the trim, painted walls and ceilings of both rooms, changed all bed linens, painted a chest, decorated the walls including sketching a murial on one wall in guest room, changed bathroom accessories, made several flower arrangements including one to hang around dresser mirror and over bedroom door and two for the bathroom. Now do you see why I'm tired? And I'm a glutton for punishment it seems as I just returned from purchasing paint and accessories to do the same to the master bedroom and my mind is already planning out the changes in the living room LOL. Why oh why do I do these things? I'm already so sore I can't walk but I'm like the energizer bunny.... keep going and going and going....

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I am back

Did you miss me? I have been traveling and my computer access was limited. I will post more later regarding what has been going on for me recently.
